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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Read All About It

 Last week I made a purpose that I've been contemplating for months, maybe even years (I lost count). I got myself an e-reader, a KOBO to be precise. 

Reason why I got a KOBO instead of a Kindle was because KOBO allows me to borrow books from my national library, which is a plus whereas Kindle does not have the benefit (YET!) - so I do not need to purchase the books and/or rely on my friends to share their reads with me. hahah!

I've always wanted one but I never had the confident to go ahead to get one because I did not trust myself to finish a book in days. I loved reading but prior to the pandemic, I was always out and about, i guess it was just right timing? It's only been less than a week and I'm already on my 3rd book, this is INSANE! 

I've read a book about penpals, it was a pretty sweet love story. Then I moved on to something darker, Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn, I'll be honest - this was a heavy read for me. It took me 3 days to complete this book and some time to snap back to reality. This book talks about the reality of Munchausen syndrome, self-harm, murder mystery, etc. If you're not a fan of books, there is a short series on this as well - same name :) No doubt, it's a really dark books, I loved it nonetheless. It was so well written. 

I'm currently on my 4th book on KOBO, it's about Tiger Mums, a friend joked that I'm getting myself ready. Please, no. I'm not pregnant nor married. LMAO! For those interested, you know where to reach me. *wink* HAHAHA! Anyway, I'm only at chapter 1 of Hymm of The Tiger Mother by Amy Chua. Now, this book has received alot of mixed reaction when it was first published. After reading it, I now know why. 

She talks alot about how most Chinese mothers (like herself) would nurture their child as they grow up and basically has a plan and expectations for their kid. The author also compares little sentiments that between a Western Mom vs Chinese Tiger Moms. How Chinese Tiger mom will never praise their child in public, while western mum does (over every-easy-task). This, I have to agree, growing up, I've never been showered with compliments, despite performing well at school. It was always, you need to be better aka go big or go home. As I read every line, the little voice in my head goes on like a light bulb on crack saying - HEY! THATS WHAT MY PARENTS DOES!! I'm excited to read further!   

And yes, my parents even persuaded me to take up piano lessons. I hated it. Eventually, they gave in to my own interest - which was art. I was sent to art classes, which was found to be useless because I already knew the tips and tricks that was taught during those classes. *yawn* Let's just say, I was a rebel - I did not do what the teacher had asked because, cmon, by knowing all those tips and tricks. I want to do more than just draw lines and curves or paint within the lines(??)

Ending my post here, I'm going back to KOBO and be a hermit until I receive my 2nd doze of vaccine. Things are madness right now, these days you're safe only within your 4 walls. 

 If you're avid reader, I would suggest you use Goodreads to explore new books and KOBO :) It's so light weight, I can't wait to read them while I'm on the go. 

And a playlist of songs for the background as you read. Always love a little white noise when I read. 

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