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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Her Mind of Her Own

Holla fellow earthlings,

This holiday season, I've decided to stay-in and be a bed potato, a productive one. I've made up my mind to put a wee-bit of effort to hit the gym and then for a quite swim and of course, to do stuff that I haven't got the chance to ever since lazy came into my life.

Eversince I landed myself a full-time job, I haven't the time to work-out, let alone sleep :( Yes, life has been depressingly lifeless lately. I remember ranting about it to my friend, he said "Life's that way, only if you let it - you gotta put effort to make things happen" 

From that day on, I've decided to start reading again, to start planning trips, to begin painting again, to stop being lazy, to take effort no matter how lazy I am because, no one can make you a better person but yourself.

My swim at the pool this morning, got me thinking alot the things I would like to achieve. I would like to feel inspired and creative again. It all begins with my inspiration portals - Music, Running, Tumblr, Reading, Writing, Painting and sooo many more.

Sometimes, listening to a certain song while browsing through Tumblr, gets your inspired. Yes, I'm strange. I also noticed my choice of songs have changed over the years.

Do bear with me on my random babbles, I have a tendency to talk about everything under the sun at the same time. If there were 10 of ME, I bet we would all be speaking at the same time.



Check me out on Tumblr too: (click on the image below)

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